CAN-MDS II Action: Work Package 3 - Capacity Building

WP3-Building the Capacity of CAN-MDS Operators


  • To build the capacity of
    • national Administrators; their role is the most critical for the whole project as they, in cooperation with Local Coordinators,
      • will identify eligible professionals operators and participate in national trainings (as multipliers)
      • will undertake the day by day administration of CAN-MDS during piloting at a national level 
        • will continue to administrate the system after piloting or will train further administrators, if system’s operation will continue 
  • professionals working with and/or for children in all eligible sectors (social welfare, health, mental health, justice, education, law enforcement) in order for them
    • to be able to identify potential CAN victims (and apply routine screening, where applicable) depending on the nature of their everyday activities
    • to be familiarized with CAN definition as is detailed in CRC, Art. 19 and GC 13, UN Committee (2011)
    • to be aware about reporting/ mandate reporting in their country and be sensitized on the importance of reporting for the effective administration of CAN at a case and at a population level
    • to be familiarized with the CAN-MDS system, its aim, objectives, operational characteristics, and usage
    • to become CAN-MDS Operator’s during the piloting phase

WP3 Detailed Activities

Training of CAN-MDS National administrators: immediately after the 2-day managerial meeting; in the training will participate also the Local coordinators; both, Local coordinators and trained administrators of the national systems will proceed with the professionals’ training in each country

Training of professionals on CAN definitions, recognizing CAN cases, reporting cases, recording cases in order to become CAN-MDS operators 

Evaluation of national administrators training (at an international level)

Evaluation of professionals' training (at a national level); Comparative reporting evaluation of national trainings (mainstreaming)


Training of National Administrators (international training seminar)

Training of National Groups of Operators (national training seminars): Bulgaria Cyprus Greece (online training platform) | Romania Catalonia-Spain | EU level Training Evaluation Report